
Our Vision

We desire to be a part of building Christ’s church in the greater Madison community by reaching all people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our Purpose

We are devoted to developing committed, mature and reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.

Based upon the New Testament church pattern of Acts 2:42, 46-47, our purpose is summarized in God’s grace to us in Christ Jesus:

G - Giving God the glory: worship and prayer
R - Rooted in the Bible: Christian Education
A - Attending to the needs and relationships in the church family: Fellowship and Service
C - Caring for the community: Service and evangelism
E - Encircling the globe in ministry: Missions

Believing that disciples are made, not born (Matt 28:19-20), our vision and purpose are carried out through developing a sequential disciple-making process for people to become like Christ and be fruitful.

Our Experience

Our prayer is that the discipleship process will develop a disciple totally devoted to Jesus Christ whose life evidences the following:

Devoted to knowing Jesus Christ personally
(Truth - John 8:31,32,36)

  • Committed to Christ as personal Savior

  • Developing a daily relationship with Christ

  • Growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ

  • Learning and obeying the Bible’s teaching

  • Imitating Christ in thought, attitude, and action through the power of the Holy Spirit

Devoted to enjoying Jesus Christ daily
(Life - John 10:10)

  • Worshiping Jesus Christ in all aspects of life privately and corporately

  • Experiencing joy, delight, and contentment in the Lord

  • Exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit in one’s life by depending upon Him

  • Faithful to the family unit and to the body of Christ

  • Connecting to other believers in the church through prayer and accountability

Devoted to sharing Jesus Christ openly
(Service - Acts 1:8, Rom 12:3-8, Col 3:23-24)

  • Discovering and using the personal spiritual gifts God has given

  • Able to disciple others by example and teaching what Jesus Christ commanded

  • Sacrificing one’s time, talents, energy, and money to further the Kingdom of God here and around the globe

  • Building relationships with unbelievers, seeking to share Christ’s love with them

  • Serving the Lord in ministry in the body of Christ, while reaching out to the poor and hurting in our community